by Judith | Mar 14, 2022 | Dog Walking, Health and Wellness, Pet Sitting
As a pet owner, you’re responsible for your animal companions, and this includes making sure their health needs are met by regularly bringing them to see their veterinarian. Think of it as routine maintenance for pets. These “wellness exams” give you a chance to...
by Judith | Feb 1, 2022 | Dog Walking, Lifestyle, Pet Sitting
Sharing your home with a canine friend can bring you much joy. There’s no doubt that dogs can give unconditional acceptance and loyalty, provide constant companionship, and even help relieve stress after a hard or busy day. However, making the decision to get a...
by Judith | Jan 18, 2022 | Dog Walking, Pet Sitting
Anyone can call him- or herself a dog walker and pet sitter. Create a snappy website, choose a catchy title, print smart-looking business cards, ask friends to provide references and voilà! Instant dog walker and pet sitter. At Move Your Doggie we have been serving...
by Judith | Nov 8, 2021 | Dog Walking, Health and Wellness, Pet Sitting
Are you ready to expand your furry family? If so, consider taking a trip to your local animal shelter and adopting a senior canine! November is Adopt A Senior Month. Did you know when people begin their search for a rescue dog, seniors are often overlooked?...
by Judith | Jul 16, 2021 | Dog Walking, Training
Can you teach an old dog new tricks? Of course, and the sooner you start the sooner your walks will be enjoyable. Leash training is all about consistency, for your dog and yourself. Enjoying a good relationship with your dog means being able to take the dog for a walk...
by Judith | Jul 6, 2021 | Dog Walking, Training
How soon can I start leash training my new puppy? Even though the walks at first will be short it’s important to start good habits. Puppies can begin leash training when they are teeny tiny. As surprising as it may seem, pups can begin learning leash skills at four...